Springdales Senior Secondary School possess a well equipped mathematics lab to explore the need of going beyond the text books which will explore maths and apply it in day to day situations. A modern well mathematics lab has been created to bring a completely new mathematics learning experience. It enables students to learn very interestingly and explore mathematical concepts and verify mathematical facts. It provides greater scope for individual participation in the learning and becoming autonomous learner.
The following equipments are provided in the lab in Junior category --Counting Abacus, Dummy wooden clock, Charts (set of 6) ,Graph roll up, Playing cards, Dummy currency notes, Shape sorter module, Half meter scale, Tangram puzzle, Fraction of circle, Meter scale, Game of place value, Geometry box etc.
In Senior category we have Mensuration kits ,Geometry Box-canvas bag, Geometrical shapes(set of 12), Probability kit, Co-ordinate graph board, Triangle kit, Measuring tap, charts, 3D shapes, Portraits of great mathematician etc.