Singular Focus; Multiple Intelligences

SPRINGDALES SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, HOSHANGABAD was founded in the year 2016. SPRINGDALES SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, HOSHANGABAD is a CBSE Affiliated Co-educational English Medium Senior Secondary.CBSE Affiliation ID / Code of SPRINGDALES SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, HOSHANGABAD is 1030924. Affiliation Type of SPRINGDALES SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL, HOSHANGABAD is General. School's he school is located at the address - TAPOBHOOMI, KULAMADI ROAD, HOSHANGABAD. The school is being managed by Sangya Shiksha Evam Samaj Kalyan Samiti. Contact number of SPRINGDALES SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL..

Teaching Methodology

The most traditional teaching methods, the teacher-centered methodology, attention is concentrated on the teacher. Teachers are in charge of the classroom and direct all activities. Typically, in this approach, children are seated at individual desks that face the teacher.

Professional Learning Program

Out Teach works with districts, schools, and teachers to deliver professional learning programs and build engaging Outdoor Learning Labs to give students access to experiential learning that can change their lives, schools and communities.